Complete a Free Indiana Parole Search on Anybody

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Run a free Indiana parole search to discover more information regarding an offender’s status in the state. Uncover facts and details concerning any parolee: their criminal activity, the status of their release, which office they report to, and much more.

Individuals on parole have usually served part of their sentences in prison and are released under certain conditions. Indiana citizens can find valuable insights about offenders on supervised release; this is important because people want to know who’s around them and — if an offender is wanted or has fled — to be able to contact law enforcement with information so the absconder can be caught.

Indiana offers its population a variety of tools to help inquirers know who the parolees are, as well as their locations and offenses. This resource helps interested parties uncover that information and helps them feel safer.

How To Complete a Free Indiana Parole Search

When an Indiana citizen is concerned and wishes to run a parole search to find information about an offender and their status in the system, there are a few tools they can use to uncover helpful information.

The Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) has an online search tool that helps people find out information about every inmate under their jurisdiction – and that includes those on parole and those who have already finished their sentences, too.

Users are able to search the Indiana Incarcerated Database by name, using any offender’s full name. The search also works if only the last name of the individual is known, although it would likely yield a longer list for the user to read through.

A screenshot of the incarcerated database of Indiana showing search bars for first and last name, and DOC number.
Source: Indiana Department of Correction1

Once the inmate of interest is found, next to its name, users are able to see some information such as date of birth, race, gender, and location. Offenders on parole will show to be under the supervision of a Parole District.

It’s suggested that when a user finds the inmate they’re interested in, they should write down and keep their DOC number and the authority who’s supervising them. That would streamline future searches and facilitate contact with that local authority when needed.

Users can also click on the offender’s DOC number and be redirected to another page with even more information. That would include details about their offense, length of sentence, earliest possible release, etc.

Screenshot of the sentence information of an individual on parole displaying the date of sentence, description, term, conviction type and county, case number, citation code, and projected release date.
Source: Indiana Department of Correction1

If the searcher is a victim, the state of Indiana recommends they register with the SAVIN system, which allows citizens to receive notification about the offender they’re interested in, every time something in their status changes.

The SAVIN system also permits a user to search for an offender, even if they don’t wish to register for updates. This system sometimes yields different details, such as information about the offender’s physical appearance and mugshot (in some cases).

Whenever someone has further questions or needs support, they can also contact the Indiana Department of Corrections directly. This is their information:

Indiana Department of Corrections
302 West Washington St
IGCS Room E334
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: 800.457.8283

Look Up Parole Violators & Absconders in Indiana

Although the state of Indiana provides citizens with information about offenders on parole in their jurisdiction, there’s no convenient online search for absconders. In other words, an Indiana parole lookup will not show those who are currently at large.

Absconders are those who are on parole or probation but fail to comply with the conditions of their release. When those individuals stop reporting or can’t be found at their place of residence or employment, they become wanted individuals.

If anyone needs to find information about a potential absconder, the best suggestion would be to look their name up on the Indiana Incarcerated Database, which will show which office they report (or should be reporting) to. Then, try and contact that office for more information.

If the reader knows information about an absconder, they should never try to arrest or confront them. Those offenders can be dangerous and armed. The best thing to do in that situation is to contact law enforcement and share any information they may have.

How To Find Inmates in an Indiana State Prison

The same system that supports those willing to run a parole search in Indiana is also very helpful in providing information about every inmate in the system, regardless of their status.

The Indiana Incarcerated Database will show details about any offender’s sentence, charges, expected release date, and location. Whenever a citizen finds themselves concerned about an offender, they shouldn’t hesitate to search this system.

If they wish to be informed whenever the status of that particular offender changes, they must register with the SAVIN System.

Screenshot of the state Department of Correction alert notification service displaying offender search by name with options for search by case number or offender ID.
Source: Indiana Department of Correction2

It’s possible to contact and send things to offenders incarcerated in Indiana. To send them money, the state partners up with ConnectNetwork. For contact via phone calls, the IDOC works with GTL.3

If anyone wishes to visit an offender, they must first apply with the IDOC, disclosing any information about their past and connections with the inmate. Once approved, visitors must make arrangements for the visit with the same company that manages the phone calls.

How To Contact Parole Officers & View Hearing Dates

The Indiana Parole Services office is responsible for holding the hearings that decide if an inmate should or should not be allowed to be released on parole.4 There are two types of hearings:

  • Public hearings — are open to the public, and anyone can watch them or even submit a statement explaining why they believe an inmate should or shouldn’t be released.
  • Facility hearings — aren’t open to the public, and although victims are allowed to participate, no one is allowed to enter a statement at this point.

After the two hearings are held, the Parole Board makes a decision about the future of the inmate.

Screenshot of the list of public parole hearings for the month of December showing the day, mode of hearing, facility, and time.
Source: Indiana Department of Correction5

If someone feels the need to contact a parole officer directly, they can contact any of the ten Indiana Parole Districts.6 It’s possible to know exactly to which district an offender reports by searching their name on the Indiana Incarcerated Database. In the table below, you’ll find each of the districts’ contact information:

Parole District Address Phone Number
PD1 – Reentry 2596 N Girls School Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46214
PD 2 – Fort Wayne 3111 E Coliseum Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805
PD 3 – Indianapolis 6400 E 30th St
Indianapolis, IN 46219
PD 4 – Evansville 5603 US Hwy 41
Evansville, IN 47711
PD 5 – Bloomington 1500 N Packing House Rd.
Bloomington, IN 47404
PD 6 – Gary 569 Tyler St
Gary, IN 46402
PD 7 – Castle 1001 Van Nuys Rd
New Castle, IN 47362
PD 8 – South Bend 4650 Old Cleveland Rd
South Bend, IN 46628
PD 9 – Madison 1110 Msh 2nd St
Madison, IN 47250
812.265.6154 Ext. 2
PD 10 – Terre Haute 1946 US-40
Greencastle, IN 46135
765.653.6593 Ext. 1002

How To Verify if Someone Is on Probation in Indiana at No Cost

Although parole and probation are terms that relate to people under supervised release, those words don’t mean the same thing. In general, an individual on probation has served time in jail – they likely committed a minor offense, and instead of being incarcerated, they are allowed to remain free but under supervision.

That’s much different than parole; most parolees have served a considerable part of their sentence in prison rather than jail, and were then released to finish their time on parole.

Anyone in the state can efficiently verify whether someone is under probation in Indiana. Just like the State Incarcerated Database shows information about offenders on parole, it also shows information about those who are currently on probation in Indiana. Anyone concerned about an individual and the possibility that they’re on probation should run their name against this database.

For local probation information, interested parties can refer to either the list of county probation offices or the city and town probation office directory for their respective office information.

Being able to freely access information is one of the things that makes a society more transparent and safe. As long as every individual’s privacy is protected, all citizens should be able to search for information they consider important. Any citizen can perform an Indiana parole search, and they shouldn’t hesitate to do so to feel safer and more informed.

To retrieve a variety of records, execute an Indiana arrest and criminal history search and review free IN public information resources. (criminal or court cases, birth or death files, warrants, and many more).


1Indiana Department of Correction. (2023, November 24). Indiana Incarcerated Database Search. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>

2Indiana Department of Correction. (n.d.). Offender Search. Indiana SAVIN. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>

3GTL. (n.d.). IN DOC Inmate Telephone Service. GTL The Power of Together. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>

4Indiana Department of Correction. (n.d.). IDOC: Parole Hearings. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>

5Indiana Department of Correction. (2023). Parole Board Public Hearing Notice. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>

6Indiana Department of Correction. (n.d.). IDOC: Division of Parole Services. Retrieved November 24, 2023, from <>